Congratulations on your purchase of a slate frame. If you are new to this method of holding fabric you will find the added tension can add a great deal of artistry to your finished pieces.
Materials: frame, ground fabric, needle, medium weight thread, pins included with frame. The stretcher bars and the ones with two rows of holes.

Slide stretcher bars through the side rails of the frame. Thread needle and sew one side of your ground fabric to one of the side rails. The edges of the fabric do not need to be finished, but it can’t hurt. The fabric behind the stitching is only there to make it easier to see the thread. It seems to work best if you make the stitch come up through the fabric and then travel along the fabric for 1/3 of the length between the holes before going back down through the fabric and then back to the rail. That keeps all the pressure on the fabric from going through one hole and possible tearing the cloth.

After sewing both sides you are ready to sew the ends of the fabric to the stretcher bars. You can use any of the holes that are drilled in the stretcher. Tighten the sewing to the stretcher bars as far as you can without tearing the fabric.

After you have sewn all four sides push the side rails apart and place the pins in the furthest hole you can reach without tearing the cloth. Spreading the back of the pin will keep it from slipping out no matter how you move the frame.

Now you are ready to start your embroidery project. Good luck, and have fun.